Friday, February 20, 2009

Generating Income During a Recession

The most popular way to earn money in this country is to get a job and exchange 35-50 hours of your week for a paycheck. However, as many Americans continue to receive dreaded pink slips and join the masses on the unemployment lines, paychecks are becoming an increasingly elusive form of income. For those who are fortunate enough to still receive their paychecks, perhaps there is no urgent need to seek additional ways to generate income. But for those who have personally felt the sting of this ugly recession, this information is for you.

One of the easiest ways to generate income is to freelance or pursue contractual work. With the explosion of freelance websites, there are a good number of opportunities available to qualified candidates. The most popular areas of demand for freelancers include writing, web design, graphic arts, and programming. However, there are other opportunities to package your unique skills and offer a service to the right audience. There are also virtual jobs that are often contractual in nature, and offer opportunities for one to do everything from providing answering services, to managing HR functions for another organization.

So who is hiring all of these freelancers and contractors?

Any person or organization that is willing to outsource an activity, project, or long-term assignment. In fact outsourcing work to freelancers and contractors can be a preferred method of doing businesses. It is less expensive to hire a freelancer than a full time employee, and it offers an organization more flexibility in handling projects.

So in between your job search, take some time to identify a skill that you can turn into a profitable service. Research rates and opportunities for freelancing that would be a good fit for you based on your talents and time management skills. Finally look for work. You can find a myriad of opportunities on the following websites:

Good luck and remember to always be as proactive as possible. Freelancing may lead to additional income, and a new passion!

Keri Glover

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Taking Control of Your Career Transition

Unfortunately, Charlotte caught up with the rest of the nation in the deep economic downturn. For a while it appeared this was the Promised Land with reasonable housing and a vibrant job market. No more. As many of us wait and pray for the economic stimulus to take hold and have impact it’s a time for action to regain our rightful place in the work force.

Conventional wisdom dictates networking as a critical way to get re-employed. That’s so true. I view networking as now a way of life. You should always be making connections not just when you feel you are in danger of going down for the third time.

Now’s not the time to sit back and wait for the phone to ring. For many if not all of us it just doesn’t happen that way.

For the purposes of this blog let’s take a closer look at one form of networking that is really sizzling right now -- social and business networking. It’s hot and getting hotter. And leading the way is LinkedIn. Millions are finding it a serious way for making meaningful business connections. If you haven’t checked it out yet you really should.

Follow this link for a great article on LinkedIn and key ways to use it as a part of your job hunt.

Personal Effort

In terms of tapping into the power of the LinkedIn network my own experience involved starting a discussion group based on a critical current interest – finding work. It’s known as “Job Seekers-Charlotte Metro Area”. Last count we’re now up to 79 members!

I started it about six months ago as a way for job seekers in our area to connect with one another, ask questions, hold discussions, make employment-related announcements and more. Basically, I jumped it knowing virtually nothing about creating and owning a discussion group. It sounds trite but if I can do it anyone can.

To me, this is an extension of participating in one of many career support self-help groups located throughout our region. Whenever possible I attend the Careers in Transition (CIT) group that meets twice a month in Fort Mill, SC. Heading by Tony Armeni, an hr director at Transamerica Reinsurance. I find it a great place to share with others the challenges of regaining meaningful work in a sour economy.

So, if you are contemplating setting up or participating in a LinkedIn discussion group here are a few tips I’d like to share:

  • Keep it fresh – Start or encourage others to begin discussion topics that are relevant and timely. As with most web sites, people need reasons to get involved and check back – frequently.

  • Encourage sharing success stories – Even in this horrible economic climate people are finding ways to land jobs. Welcome their stories. It provides hope and encouragement to all. Fresh approaches and new ideas are what the group is all about.

  • Be open to change – Listen to the members. Understand their needs. Adjust the emphasis of the group accordingly. Actively encourage involvement and engender a sense of individual ownership of the group.

The point is everyone deals in job loss differently. Those that succeed maintain a positive attitude, try to surround themselves with supportive people, and keep working at finding ways to reinvent themselves. If you’re in the job market what are you doing to better position yourself? What works and what doesn’t?

As a CAMA blogger I’m very interested in your thoughts on the subject of career transitions. Please share your ideas. In this job market we all need to pull together to help each other.

Enjoy and Happy Hunting!

(Incidentally, if you’re reading this and are interested in the “Job Seekers-Charlotte Metro Area” LinkedIn Group, I welcome you to join.)

Ken Caputo is a marketing professional who relocated his family to the Greater Charlotte area from Central New Jersey a little over a year ago. One of his first official acts upon moving down was to join and get involved in the Charlotte Chapter of the American Marketing Association. He’s delighted he did.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CRM - Best use to distinguish yourself

The next 12 months are threatening to be far tougher for organisations than the last. So what has the world of customer relationship management tought us this year that will stand us in good stead for 2009?

“Credit crunch” - a phrase that neither you nor I had heard of 12 months ago that is now shaping up to be the bane of our lives. There’s no escaping the fact that there is some serious belt-tightening going on around the globe. And all the business forecasts for 2009 make for bleak reading.

Speaking at the Microsoft Convergence conference, Brad Wilson, general manager of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, emphasised that the most important thing to do during a recession is to keep your eye on the customer.
“It’s critical now for every company to think about how they invest in the processes needed to help their customer relationships,” he explained. “Nucleus Research says the one area you should continue to invest in is CRM. Nobody today has unlimited funds to pursue all the projects that they want to do, but guaranteeing the best possible customer experience is really important.”

So with that in mind, it’s a good time to take stock, and consider some of the key lessons that organisations have leant in the past 12 months - and that will stand them in good stead as we move into challenging conditions in 2009.

1. Use your online communities as a tool for feedback and innovation

At the recent Dreamforce global gathering, Starbucks discussed the success of its site, which was set up to solicit ideas from customers for how to improve the coffee giant’s service. To date, some 65,000 ideas have come through the site. The functionality of this site is now integrated into Facebook.

“This allows us to engage in regular dialogues with our customers. Facebook gives us the personalised local experience.”
Chris Bruzzo, CTO, Starbucks

“It’s an experience for a brand like Starbucks that allows us to embrace our customers and bring them into the boardroom,” says Chris Bruzzo, CTO of the MyStarbucksIdea site. “That’s happening on a consistent basis. It’s changed our capability to see our customers. We went from one great store in Seattle to today when we have tens of thousands. In the process, you lose some of the connection with your customers. This allows us to engage in regular dialogues with our customers. When you get to 65,000 ideas that is too many ideas to understand. Facebook gives us the personalised local experience.”

Elsewhere at the event, Michael Dell also shared his thoughts on using customer communitites for feedback and innovation. “We have an ecommerce site that has 35 million visits a week and 480 million unique visitors a year,” he explained. “We have put the idea of listening into a whole other realm. We have more conversations with customers than any other company I know. We have had 10,000 ideas posted on our IdeaStorm site. We are inspired by listening. We have this incredible model of co-participation whereby our customers are driving the development of our products. Listening is in our DNA – we are a company with big ears!”

2. Ensure you are managing your reputation online

The surge in online consumer generated content presents many challenges and opportunities for marketing professionals in businesses across the world. Studies suggest that the majority of brand comment online is negative and firms need to engage with these commentators.

At the same time, Web 2.0 can be a blessing for firms who have an army of advocates. Many companies are not yet clear on how to identify and influence brand advocates or manage their reputation within a wider social network environment. Brand advocates are critical for companies to effectively manage their reputation on social media sites.

Identifying users and supporters of one’s brand and then offering incentives for voicing support in a group often creates brand advocates. However, some brands are lucky enough to already have a number of brand advocates without carrying out any official activity on social media. In this case, brands should use this as an opportunity for consumer research and then introduce some kind of non-invasive presence to reward loyalty.
Either way, users must welcome brands into the fold and they must also be absolutely certain they are not going to be interrupting conversations. The key to this is providing information and content to advocates that is valuable and non-intrusive.

3. Move from monologue marketing to dialogue/conversational marketing

Direct marketing as it stands is nothing more than ‘monologue marketing’. Whether the consumer deems the communication relevant or not, simply bombarding them with marketing messages isn’t indicative of forging a long-term, two-way relationship.

“Like anything that is new, [next best action marketing] is something that can actually provide key competitive advantage, so they don’t want to make a song and dance about it until they have actually got it bedded down.”
Umporn Tantipech, Teradata

Brands must change their current monologue mentality, whilst at the same time harnessing digital and other channels to their fullest potential.

Digital channels offer a huge opportunity for direct marketers to establish meaningful and two-way relationships with consumers, but only if brands can change their way of thinking and move beyond one-way communications. If a brand is going to develop a dialogue with a consumer it must take a step back and allow the consumer to decide, albeit with well defined prompting, what information they want to have and when.
In technology terms, next best action marketing has been increasing in popularity as a way for organisations to deliver the right message on the right channel at the right time, as opposed to just pushing the product at any and every opportunity. O2 and Orange are just two businesses that are benefitting from the technology.
“There is a lot of activity going on, but it is low key,” says Umporn Tantipech, director of Teradata’s CRM Centre of Excellence for Financial Services. “Like anything that is new, it is something that can actually provide key competitive advantage, so they don’t want to make a song and dance about it until they have actually got it bedded down.”

4. Know your customers (lifestage, values and lifestyle)

Last year, a McKinsey study berated managers for not understanding the important issues in their customers’ lives. Too many, they said, did narrow product research without understanding the context of lifestage, values and lifestyle. The result was a trust gap between companies and customers: consumers felt companies had poor CSR credentials and were more willing to take them to task about it.

An example of this could be found in the US, where executives thought data protection was a more important issue than it was in reality, and underestimated healthcare and retirement concerns because they didn’t understand the baby boomers. With the business of business becoming more social, generational value research must have greater prominence. You may think you know today’s customers but if your demographics don’t change, will you know who they are tomorrow?

There are cultural issues to consider, specifically:
• The rise of customer power- The wane of the nuclear family and the rise of singles needing networks.- Technology (and particularly the internet) that lowers market entry barriers and allows for knowledge/content sharing.• The increasing ‘tribalisation’ of society- Flexible living- Future Foundation believes people are spending more on temporary enjoyment and less on what they can keep.• Return to arts and crafts- The concerns over manmade climate change and population size, and how this links to consumerism.- The business of business being social rather than shareholder value.
But there are also generational issues to consider, i.e. the differences between marketing to Generation Y, and the oft-overlooked over-50s.

5. Learn to locate real customer insight

Insight is the ability to get into the customer’s head in a way that is valuable to the business. Insight is not just data. It is a deep understanding of the customer in the context of the market.

According to Dr Brian Smith and Dr Paul Raspin, it should be useful and actionable. It needs to be ‘of its time’ and can include both hindsight (perception gained analysing the past) and foresight (perception gained from modelling the future). It is not obvious to others or easily found.

So how might real, valuable, hard to acquire, actionable insight be produced? Some tips include:
• Define the business challenges that the insight needs to address and eliminate noise. What are the key issues in your market to which no one has the ‘right answer’?
• Audit and plan out the areas where you need data and information to research the issues. Usually, they fall into three groups:- PESTE trends (political, economic, social, technical, environmental).- Market data on consumers, customer, competitors, suppliers, channels.- Internal performance data.
• Someone needs to have ownership of that issue and be continuously scanning the relevant information for insight.
• The issue owner needs to build a ‘model’ of current accepted knowledge and insight for why things are currently done as they are.
• It is against this knowledge that new insight can be explored and measured for potential.

6. Measure your customer experience

Customer experience should be a leading KPI for customer-centred organisations, but firms run into difficulties measuring it. “The nearest many organisations get is the use of customer satisfaction surveys and average call answering statistics - neither of which adequately measure customer experience,” says Tony Mooney, consulting and propositions director at Experian Integrated Marketing.

“The nearest many organisations get is the use of customer satisfaction surveys and average call answering statistics - neither of which adequately measure customer experience.”

Tony Mooney, consulting and propositions director, Experian Integrated Marketing
“For example, most companies with call centres use average call answering as a KPI. This is merely a hygiene factor and, anyway, is usually inaccurate as it measures call answer times from the point at which the poor customer has made it through several layers of IVR. Of far greater importance than how quickly you pick the phone up is how the call is handled, e.g. single contact resolution.”
A company’s first thought should not be ‘how do we measure IVR effectiveness?’ but rather ‘what are our customers expecting when making a call and how do they feel when confronted by a taped voice going through messages and menus?’.

Measuring customer experience does not mean throwing new metrics into the pot along with the old, according to Jennifer Kirkby. It needs a thorough re-evaluation of the whole feedback infrastructure flowing into a balanced scorecard metric system.

Tips for ‘measuring’ customer experience include:
• Too many companies use magic numbers – KPIs which are deemed to be important because “everyone has them” – for instance, net promoter score, customer retention and leads. Model your processes from the customer perspective, and understand through research and feedback what happens at each stage – then put in metrics.
• We think we listen to customers but the evidence tells a different story. Break down your propositions and services - the customer’s view of process – and find out just what drives engagement, and how customers feel about each part. Norwich Union uses emotional feedback measures they have found to be important, such as ‘do you feel appreciated as an individual?’ and ‘do you genuinely feel that NU cared about meeting your needs?’ and use the result in ‘customer innovation’ sessions with staff.
• Measuring word of mouth is hard but there are indicators. Ratings and recommendations on the likes of YouTube or TripAdvisor are examples of how Web 2.0 is opening this up to measurement.
• Too many companies ask customers what they want - e.g. do you want the phone answered in three or six rings? - and set metrics accordingly, rather than establishing what the customer’s objective is and setting measurement on whether it was achieved. Dig down to root causes and set metric systems accordingly; measure benefits not service levels.

7. Ensure your staff are your biggest brand advocates

Measuring, training and rewarding employees can all be effective tools to ensure that your staff are engaged with your brand message. But making customer-facing employees the voice of the customer can be even more rewarding.

Jennifer Kirkby suggests that frontline staff can be engaged by involving them in product and service design. She suggests their importance as insight workers should be recognised, for not only do they understand what customers want (after all they deal with them day to day) but they also understand what the solutions are because they know your business.

“Not only has Disney defined four things that are important but also an order: Safety, Courtesy, The Show, Efficiency. Based on this, staff can make the right brand choices every day in every interaction.”
David Williams, CEO, How To Experience
When your employees are used in this way, customer service moves from the end of the ‘make and sell’ process into the heart of the customer value proposition design (CVP) – and lo, sales through service enters the corporate DNA.

John Lewis recently came second in a consumer report on service across 77 retail organisations by Which?. Interestingly, the department store had managed the feat of a large organisation giving the much vaunted ‘corner shop experience’.

It was reaping the rewards of initiating a ’selling through service’ programme. “The core of our programme is our ABC process – Acknowledge the customer, Build the relationship through conversation, Close the sale through listening and questions,” says Andrew McMillan, former manager of customer service at the retailer. “It took us five years to complete the enormous culture change and get our partners (the John Lewis staff) to be proficient in ‘acknowledging’ – putting across the message ‘I’m here if you need me’. Then we launched into B and C. This entailed getting groups of around 24 outstanding partners (six from each store) together to come up with ideas for building and closing.

“With that information, we put together a strategy and implemented it through a cascade run by the shop floor partners. Performance was measured in a mystery shopper programme. The mystery shoppers themselves were ex John Lewis shop floor partners and were intimately involved in both designing the measures and the research.”

But for firms to get this right and reap the benefit, they must ensure staff are aligned with the brand. Disney, for instance, has its entire business based on brand image and so it has been critical to ensure its staff live and breathe the brand message. “Helping frontline staff resolve day-to-day dilemmas is key to making your brand real,” explains David Williams, CEO of How To Experience. “Disney has done this brilliantly. Not only has it defined four things that are important but also an order: Safety, Courtesy, The Show, Efficiency. Based on this, staff can make the right brand choices every day in every interaction. You don’t need a big rule book, just clear guidelines. Human beings do the rest!” (Source: 19-Dec-2008)

by Lien Leonardi