Monday, April 6, 2009

Reinventing Yourself

Maybe you’ve been out of work for a while. Or, perhaps you just received your first unemployment check. Find yourself somewhere in between? Whatever the case, you have joined the ranks of millions of Americans who are out of work and struggling.

The jobless rate is frightening. For those who thought the Charlotte area might be spared the full brunt of the economic turndown, think again. We’re now in the double digit “u” zone and longing for the rebound.

This blog will be a little different. It won’t be about all the techniques now being used to land a job. You’re getting more savvy. You know a lot already. Instead, we’ll examine the impact the loss of job has on you, your family and loved ones.

By now you know I’m one of you. I came down to the beautiful Carolinas thinking I’d be able to zip right into a decent job. It hasn’t happened --- yet. But I’m still hanging in there.

And after a while you find that you cope with it a little better. The support of family and friends can’t be underscored enough. As a matter of fact you need to reach out to virtually anyone who’s breathing. Maybe not necessarily to put on the bite to someone for a job but rather to let them know who you are and what you are looking for.

And because things are so upside down right now you need to take this time to look within yourself and decide what you want to do next. It’s really a time to consider everything. Do you stay in the same field? Same profession? Same industry?

Is this the time to try to go out on your own? Keep in mind that in the depths of the ‘70s recession Bill Gates and his merry little band of now rich geeks as well as Steve Jobs and the future Applets were busy in their garages getting ready to hoist onto the world a whole new way of life. Do you have that great idea that might put you in the same league? Ya never know…..

The point is this is a time when you can sit back and eat worms about your situation. Or, you can decide to really challenge yourself and take stock of who you really are. Or really want to be.

While getting out there and networking, many job gurus talk about dedicating some time to do some volunteer work. That’s a great idea! No pressure and you can try utilizing some interests that maybe you’ve never had the time nor inclination to try.

Pick up a hammer and help construct a home for someone truly needy. Offer to serve on your local school board or municipality.Get your mind off The Hunt - at least for a short period of time while you are helping others. Personally, I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to be appointed to a committee in the town of Fort Mill interested in maintaining the quality of the local water.

Take time to get out of your house, move away from the PC for a while and try to discover what you want to do for the next chapter of your life. In these unprecedented times you may need to cobble together a few opportunities to regain or approach the kind of money you used to make. Whatever it takes….

Certainly everyone’s situation is unique. One has to do what one has to do. I’m just encouraging you to make some lemonade out of the lemons that have been thrown your way recently.

Make the years ahead your best and most rewarding in all aspects!

(Incidentally, if you’re reading this and are interested in the “Job Seekers-Charlotte Metro Area” LinkedIn Group, I welcome you to join.)

Ken Caputo is a marketing professional who relocated his family to the Greater Charlotte area from Central New Jersey a little over a year ago. He is currently consulting with Cristina Cassidy Video Productions of Charlotte, NC on a number of exciting projects.

One of his first official acts upon moving down was to join and get involved in the Charlotte Chapter of the American Marketing Association. He’s delighted he did.