Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Considering Joining Charlotte AMA, Read What Leslie Gillock Has to Say

I first became acquainted with the Charlotte AMA last Spring when I was asked to speak about Brand Positioning at one of the meetings. I met so many interesting and talented marketing professionals from a wide range of businesses that night, I decided then and there I would come back to better understand this organization - and to meet more people. After attending several more meetings,

I realized that I was becoming a regular, and I was getting value from the relationships I was developing with other members and the information I was receiving at the meetings. It was time to join.

Has it been worth it? Absolutely, for 3 reasons:

Professional Development: I am a firm believer in continuous learning. Every month CAMA provides the opportunity to learn from experts about everything from social media to innovation and to be inspired by seeing how other brands and companies - outside of my own - approach the positioning, targeting and marketing of their brands, and how they adapt to changing market conditions.

Networking: I am also a believer in getting out of my own "backyard". We all have strong networks within our own companies and industries in which we interact. The opportunity to interact with other marketing professionals from a diverse range of companies, backgrounds, disciplines and experience can be enlightening and thought provoking.

Information Access: In addition to the above, the minute you become a member you gain access to the Resource Library on MarketingPower.com: a source of publications, white papers, research, best practices and articles that I have found useful in my work time and time again.

And now it's your turn. I'm a newly recruited member of the CAMA Membership Committee - so join today and make me look good!

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