Monday, August 23, 2010

Creativity: The Missing, Yet Critical Element For B2B Marketers

What’s the missing, yet critical element for successful B2B marketers? – Creativity.

It is a common fact that many B2B marketers stay the path of the traditional and in the box techniques. To create a competitive edge to your business marketing, add some creative thinking and opportunities to attract and engage prospects and customers.

Typical B2B marketing can be dry –Marketing business technologies or services typically don’t have much room for emotional interaction or social engagement. It’s not anyone’s fault, this is just how it’s always been.

Today, most B2B marketers still don’t embrace social engagement or online B2B marketing tools – they still stick with what they have always known and used. These marketers tend to stay in the box and not look outside of how they market their products and services.

Those willing to look outside of the box begin to understand how innovative thinking helps create new and expand existing opportunities with their customers.

Stand out with creativity – For B2B marketers that want to increase opportunities that will lead to sales, looking outside of the box is not enough – they need to stand outside of the box. Combining traditional B2B marketing and using new and creative options, business marketing becomes more than just dry marketing of the same old technologies and services.

Let’s look at a few areas it pays to be creative:

Business Blogs – To traditional marketers, a business blog is not worth the time and effort. To others, this is a perfect way to not only attract new prospects, but also engage and convert them into paying customers. With a blog, you provide information that educates prospects. When they have the information they need, they are ready to engage and ask for more information about what you offer – this will lead to better sales leads.

Social Engagement – It’s not enough to just wait for prospects to find you, you have to go to them. Look at social networks where your products and services would benefit those community members; engage prospects and give them places to look for more resources such as your blog or website.

Content Creation and Sharing – Creating content doesn’t just mean writing; it could be text, audio, video or other types of content. When you create your content, you can put it on and off of your own sites. Examples could be posting a video to your blog, adding a podcast to a podcast directory or sharing content on your social networking channels.

Sharing content is a great way not only for you, but also your customers to spread the word about your product and services. When you post something on your blog, include ways for others to share it on their social networks. Encourage others to share the content you post to your Facebook page or on your YouTube channel.

Use creativity to improve metrics – Now that you understand some ways to add creativity to your B2B marketing, what does it do for your metrics and overall revenue? By engaging with prospects and current customers on multiple networks, you get the word out; increase search engine rankings to you through back links and also get others to spread your information on their networks for you.

Now look at your digital marketing metrics; what do you see? All of the creative ways you have marketed out are bringing back in targeted traffic, conversions and are helping you build lasting relationships with your customers.

To get more prospects, more conversions and more sales, look at adding some creativity to your B2B marketing.

This was originally posted by Maria Pergolino

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